The New Mexico Coalition of Caregivers reaches caregivers and engages them in leadership development and ongoing legislative, regulatory, and administrative involvement.
The Fair Labor Standards Act Corner provides resources and information about the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) which sets minimum wage, overtime pay, and other workplace standards, helping direct care workers understand their rights and ensure they are paid fairly. Learn More Here
Senate Joint Memorial 6 Task Force (SJM 6 Task Force) discussed the findings and recommendations of a task force created by the New Mexico Legislature to address challenges related to long-term caregiving. A key finding is that direct caregivers are essential, but face issues like low wages and lack of training. Learn More Here
House Memorial 37 Legislative Task Force Recommendations focuses on direct care workers. The central recommendation is to establish a core training curriculum for all direct care workers, regardless of their specialty. This would help ensure a baseline level of skills and potentially improve care quality. Learn More Here