Public Assistance Benefits Test

The CLIFFS Tool is a way to determine online how state and federal benefits may change if a caregiver decides to continue his/her education or look for a better job. The portal was developed by the Federal Reserve of Atlanta and assists job-seekers, social workers, advocates, and state policymakers by simulating educational attainment and career pathways, demonstrating what happens to public assistance benefits as a result.

  • The CLIFF Portal is where you will find the most recent and updated version of tools, including training guides, video explainers, and coaching resources, to help policymakers and advocates quickly identify the most appropriate tool to use with clients and customers. Utilize the Portal Here
  • The CLIFF Snapshot will compare a worker’s current financial situation to alternatives. The CLIFF Snapshot can help workers better understand how an increase in wages, additional hours worked and/or participation in public assistance programs may position them for financial stability. View the Snapshot Here
  • The CLIFF Planner to obtain information on income and public assistance along a career path. By highlighting the financial tradeoffs among different careers, the CLIFF Planner helps visualize a path to financial stability. This is a great tool for working side-by-side with a client or customer. View the Planner Here
  • The CLIFF Guaranteed Income Dashboard shows the effect that receiving guaranteed income has on the receipt of public assistance. The dashboard is being used to inform prospective participants in guaranteed-income (GI) pilot programs about the possible implications of a guaranteed income on their eligibility for social safety net programs so they can make an informed decision about whether to enroll in a GI pilot. The dashboard is also helping GI pilot program designers create their programs and negotiate income-disregard waivers for government assistance programs in their areas. This tool is for state and local policymakers: View Dashboard Here
  • The CLIFF Policy Rules Database (PRD) Dashboard is a simple-to-use visualization tool that shows how all existing public assistance programs and tax credits come together to support any type of family in any location in the United States. The PRD Dashboard shows how the dollar value and composition of public assistance changes with increases in income: PRD Policy Rules
  • Do you know what NEW MEXICO public assistance benefits you might qualify to receive? This is your portal to quickly and easily apply, check, update, or renew for a variety of public assistance programs. Create an account to apply for and access your status for various benefits like Medical Assistance(Medicaid), Food Assistance (SNAP), Water Assistance(LIHWAP), Cash Assistance (TANF), Energy Assistance (LIHEAP). Check New Mexico Benefits Here
  • Take a look at a Personal Financial Form developed by the Federal Reserve Bank for Caregivers (and others!) who want to learn more about their own finances: Personal Financial Form

  • Thank you to those who joined us on July 26, 2022 for the in-person Career Ladder Identifier and Financial Forecaster (CLIFF) Informational Session!

    If you are interested in viewing additional photos from the July event, visit the NMCC photo gallery.

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