Disease Specific Support

Disease Specific Support

National MS Society – Arizona & New Mexico Chapter

The Arizona – New Mexico Chapter of the National MS Society works to improve the quality of life for people affected by MS in Arizona and New Mexico to raise funds for critical MS research. Join the movement and create a world free of MS.

Alta Mira

Alta Mira Specialized Family Services supports individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities in our community to reach their full potential.  Alta Mira provides supports to individuals throughout the lifespan starting with Early Intervention services for toddlers age zero-three.  We respect the family as the expert while empowering, validating and encouraging family members to be confident advocates.  To learn more about our services please visit

Cerebral Palsy Guidance

Cerebral Palsy Guidance is a comprehensive online resource for parents of children with cerebral palsy. Visit the website to learn more about care, treatment information and more.

Best Mobility Aids

Learn about the different federal, state, and private disability grants that are available to help those in need carry out improvements and repairs on their homes.


Mesothelioma.com offers resources and support to patients of mesothelioma cancer and their families.

New Mexico Autism Society

Katie Stone, Executive Director at the New Mexico Autism Society, worked on creating “Autism ID” with the NM Center for Development and Disability. You can download the form and create an “ID” for yourself or someone in your family who has autism. This could be useful for air travel security, for interactions with police, security, emergency or health professionals.

Cerebral Palsy Guide

Cerebral palsy (CP) is a disability caused by brain damage that restricts normal movement and coordination. Each year, 10,000 children in the U.S. are diagnosed with cerebral palsy. Cerebral Palsy Guide provides free educational materials, financial options and support to help those across the country affected by this disorder.

Connect with Reeve

This interactive, safe space offers a number of opportunities for individuals, family members and caregivers to ask questions, share their experiences, and connect with those who understand the impact of paralysis.

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